the three core areas of our bespoke expert training:



Advance your professional ambition, position, and influence.



Reveal the unique powers of your physical voice.



Learn your rhetorical (persuasive) identity & own your message.


We work one-to-one with an always-limited, and always confidential base of senior leading figures in finance, law, and government - providing strategy and support for INTERVIEWS, job promotions, pivots in career / company direction, conflict resolution, and crisis management.

philanthropic Speeches, pitches, and presentations are enhanced through our uniquely collaborative writing and voCAL TRAINING: IMMERSING OURSELVES IN your vision, ENCAPSULATING YOUR GENEROSITY, AND MAXIMISING YOUR RESOURCEs for the betterment of your cause.

With decades of experience in film, television, and music, we pride ourselves on advanced knowledge of an industry in turmoil, crafting strategies, messages, and speeches for profound new voices at the heart of the world’s leading ARTS institutions.

Our structured approach to communicating climate crises has empowered change-agents in crucial areas of ecological investigation and green energy development, advancing public education, PREPARATION, and INVESTMENT.

Trained in international relations, global political economy, international law, conflict, and rhetoric, our consultants operate out of London AND BOSTON - advising clients on the impact (and potential improvements) of the US / UK ‘special relationship’ on culture, policy, and profit.